NYC: Literary Mischief Series by Slash Coleman (PBS) with authors Donna Minkowitz (Yale '85) plus 2 Join us for an entertaining literary night with 3 women authors: Donna Minkowitz (Yale '85), Sweta Srivastava Vikram (No Ocean Here, Columbia) and Rachel Kramer Bussell (sundry erotica) at Loft 227 (a funky event space). Cost $5. RSVP not required. Literary Mischief Series by Slash Coleman (PBS Producer), with 3 authors reading:
1. Donna Minkowitz (Yale ’85 and author of the recently published Growing Up Gollem: How I Survived My Mother, Brooklyn and Some Really Bad Dates), Event held at Loft 227, 227 W 29th Street (bet 7th & 8th Aves) – a funky event space worth seeing: Cost: $5. RSVP not required.
More info about this entertaining literary series:
More about Sweta Srivastava Vikram:
More about Rachel Kramer Bussel: