Yale GALA Sponsors Pride Club at Hamilton Grange School Help GALA support LGBTQ students through their school's new Pride Club. They need: Donations: https://donateyalegala.eventbrite.com Guest speakers and ongoing mentors (by those near NYC) - use Google Form to share: https://goo.gl/forms/8Rh97U5qFlotEJdy
Dear GALA community,
We are excited to offer an opportunity to get involved in supporting LGBTQ+ middle school students in New York City!
Yale GALA is sponsoring the new, student-organized and student-led Pride Club at the Hamilton Grange School in Harlem, a Title I, unscreened, public middle school (6th - 8th grade) with 270 students, 85% of whom identify as Hispanic and 11% of whom identify as Black. The founding student leaders have identified three primary goals of the Hamilton Grange Pride Club: 1) To create a safe space for LGBTQIA students and allies to share their stories and build community, 2) To build students' knowledge of LGBTQIA histories, identities, activism, and key figures, and 3) To inform staff development at our school and positively impact LGBTQIA awareness across District 6 (Harlem and Washington Heights).
All GALA Members: You can support the Hamilton Grange Pride Club through donations. The Club seeks a starting budget of $3,000 to fund books, group materials, spaces to host District-wide events, and food and beverages for meetings for the entire school year. Additional funds beyond this amount will be critical in supporting the Club in creating an LGBTQ-themed library with a wide range of texts (and particular emphasis on texts featuring LGBTQ+ authors and people of color); bringing in speakers twice per year for events that will be extended to the district, families, and community members; purchasing materials and training to support adults in the Hamilton Grange community to better understand and support the needs of LGBTQ+ youth, as determined by the Pride Club; and sponsoring field trips with District partners to various historic LGBTQ sites. Donate here: https://donateyalegala.eventbrite.com.
GALA Members in, near, or from New York City: If you are interested in getting involved as a one-time guest speaker, as an ongoing mentor, or in any other capacity with the Hamilton Grange Pride Club over the 2018-2019 school year, please complete this Google Form to share some information about yourself and your interest: https://goo.gl/forms/8Rh97U5qFlotEJdy2.
Thank you for supporting our Pride Club and our hopeful impact on the Hamilton Grange school community and the broader District! With questions, please contact Scott at HGPrideClub@gmail.com.
Hamilton Grange Pride Committee