NYC: Yale-Penn Pride Party 2019! Join PennGALA and Yale GALA for our annual Pride Party in New York Pre-Sale: $35, $25 Young Alumni (2013-2018 grads), $15 Current Yale & UPenn students and 2019 grads. $45 DOOR / DAY OF FOR EVERYONE!
Saturday, June 29, 2019 7-10 pm
Join Yale GALA, Inc. and PennGALA for our annual Pride Party in New York City. All ages are welcome, but 21+ ID will be required at the bar for all alcoholic beverages. Ticket includes 2 drinks (beer, wine, soft drinks) and snacks. Cash bar for everything else. CHANGE OF VENUE
Registration on day of the event will be FULL PRICE ($45) regardless of current student or alumni status. We have a limited number of tickets in each category -- and in the past theis event has sold out early -- so get your tickets now!
Current Yale & Penn Students & 2019 Grads: $15 AT THE DOOR: All tickets $45
Co-sponsored by the Yale Alumni Association Shared Interest Groups and the Penn Alumni Association
Advance Tickets: More information: