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Donate to Yale GALA

Donations to Yale GALA help support LGBTQ events for alumni and students

Yale GALA, Inc. is run entirely by unpaid alumni and student volunteers who are committed to serving Yale’s LGBT community, both off and on campus. Your financial support helps us provide programming and events that benefit our community and Yale.

Yale GALA, Inc. student and alum events and programs include the annual LGBT Studies Prize, 
Camila María Concepción Prize for Trans Activism, Pride at Yale, Transgender Awareness Week, IvyQ Conferences, Yale Student-Alumni dinners and two LGBTQ Alumni Reunion weekends at Yale University, as well as 100s of events in local cities, reaching 1000s of attendees. 

We welcome all donations to support our work, which is funded entirely by generous donors. To help you, we suggest the following yearly donation guidelines:

Recent alumni/ae (graduated in the last five years), retired, low income: $20
Alumni/ae (graduated more than five years ago): $40
You can make a donation either online or by check:

To make a donation online: 

 You will receive a confirmation email that will be your receipt.

To make donation by check, make it out to “Yale GALA, Inc.” and mail to:
            Tim Bertaccini, Treasurer
            PO Box 207118
            New Haven, CT 06520-7118

Yale GALA, Inc. is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization and a New York State Corporation. Donations are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.

If you would like to help underwrite a specific event or program, please contact Yale GALA co-president Mickey Dobbs at mickeydobbs(at) or any member of the Yale GALA, Inc. board.

© Copyright Yale Gay and Lesbian Alumni/ae Association, Inc., ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

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